HVAC Design Service

HVAC Design Services

We know that having your HVAC system break down prematurely because it was either installed incorrectly, or designed to fail can be very frustrating. Let us help you with that. Whether you are located locally or on the other side of the country, we can help you at least get the design of your system correct. Join the growing list of clients we have served from Lancaster, California to Lancaster, Vermont (Actual customers served). With the ability to take your blueprints (or even drawings on the back of a napkin), a few photos, and a phone call, to real plans that make sense, rest assured your new HVAC system will keep you comfortable for years to come.


Using the latest software, technology, and standards, we have the ability to design your next heating and air conditioning project start to finish. Offering services from load calculation to duct design to equipment selection we can get your project off to the right start. If you are a contractor looking for blueprints or a homeowner looking to start a DIY heating and air conditioning system, We’ve got you covered.

Room-By-Room Load Calculation ( Complete Manual J)

Whole Building Load Calculation (Whole Manual J)

HVAC Equipment Selection (Manual S)

Ductwork Design Service (Manual D)

Available for both residential and commercial projects

All states of United States


How the process works

  1. Set up a meeting via phone, video, etc. Explain details associated with the project
  2. Email all required documents/ details of project
  3. Give us a few days to design your system, and receive a file with your plans attached
  4. Have a local licensed HVAC contractor install your system


Based on size of building and package

Manual J Only

Manual J & S

Total Design Manuals J, S, & D