
When it comes to furnaces, most of the components must be checked by certified personnel, however there are some things that you can do as a homeowner.

Airflow, Airflow, Airflow. Furnaces, like all HVAC systems, require massive amounts of airflow. If jeopardized, it can quickly cause major problems. Whether in the floor, wall, or ceiling, keep your registers open as much as possible. Have the blower motor checked by a certified HVAC technician, and do not forget to replace your air filter on a regular schedule.

Shut Down. It is perfectly fine to completely turn off the furnace in the spring. This can be accomplished by turning off any fuel or gas lines at appropriate shut off valves, as well as the electrical supply to the furnace. In some older furnaces using a standing pilot assembly this alone can save you tons of money. BUT NOTE, if your air conditioner is run off of the furnace’s power supply or uses the blower of the furnace, shutting off the electric can make you uncomfortable very quick by not allowing the A/C to turn on.

Keep It Clean. Finally just a little clean up around the furnace can actually save you some big headaches. Do not let big items lay against the sides of the furnace, and never let clutter pile up around the bottom. Not only is this a big fire hazard, but it may on some systems drastically reduce combustion air to the furnace, which is necessary for correct operation.

Aside from the steps listed above, you may want to contact a local HVAC Company to completely go through the furnace to ensure proper operation and safety.